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Get Up Give Back – Kindness Community


Easterns Sponsors Get Up DC Segment

Coronavirus has affected not only the lives of Americans but millions across the nation. However, the ones directly affected each and every day are those on the front lines. Hospital workers put their lives in the line every day to care for these sick patients who are still highly contagious. This inspired Easterns Automotive Group and WUSA 9 ? Get Up DC to join forces for a very special edition of Get Up Give Back.

Five women from the Spring Valley neighborhood in Washington D.C. came together to form the Kindness Community. They are raising money to buy food from local restaurants to feed hospital employees during this pandemic. According to them, all of the doctors and nurses that they have fed thus far have been extremely appreciative. They have fed about 1500 people to date. A small gesture like a free meal can mean the world to someone working hard around the clock.

Both the teams at Easterns Automotive Group and Get Up DC were so impressed that they decided to help their mission. Typically, all Get Up Give Back segments are filmed in person but all parties are practicing social distancing to flatten the curve of COVID-19. Reese Waters joined Kathleen Norris of Kindness Community on a video call to discuss their work and also a surprise gift.

Kindness Community Donation

On camera, the announced that the Kindness Community would be receiving a $1,000 donation on behalf of Easterns Automotive Group and WUSA 9 Get Up DC. The money will help them continue their amazing work of feeding doctors and nurses around the district. Today, May 6th is #NationalNursesDay so please send them some love and remind them that they are appreciated and irreplaceable.

Easterns Automotive Group and WUSA 9 are always here to help. If you know someone in the DC, Maryland, and Virginia area that is worthy of being helped or recognized, please contact at @ReeseWaters on social media. #GetUpDC #GetUpGiveBack ?

YouTube Link ? https://youtu.be/MYwcWm6_M9Q

Link to original article ? https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/local/outreach/get-up-give-back/getupgivebackkindesscommunity/65-39aec7ac-2287-4bdd-85c1-65abda48efc8