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Get Up Give Back – Black Lives Matter DC

The past few months have been heavy for the United States as a country.? From COVID-19 to the killings of unarmed African Americans by police brutality, this has been a very scary time, to say the least.? At the end of May following the death of George Floyd, ?Black Lives Matter? protests broke out in just about every city.? Many feel as though African Americans haven?t been treated fairly since the beginning of time.

The Black Lives Matter foundation is a global organization that was founded in 2013 after Trayvon Martin?s murderer (George Zimmerman) was found not guilty.? People all over the world have taken a stand with the movement and decided that they will no longer tolerate injustice of any kind in America.? Easterns Automotive Group made their stance very clear when the protests began to reemerge.? They have always been a supporter of anyone in the community doing their part to make a change.

Easterns Automotive Group has a partnership with WUSA 9?s Get Up DC program with Reese Waters.? The pair created a segment called Get Up Give Back where they help people on the front lines putting in the work.? Reese Waters and Joel Bassam of Easterns thought it would be great to make a donation to Black Lives Matter DC.? The first step was to get Ms. April Goggans on a zoom call as she is the core group organizer for Black Lives Matter DC.? She was able to discuss the ways that they?ve been helping people with their essential needs such as food, diapers, and hygiene products goods throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.? Black Lives Matter DC has made about 5,000 deliveries which is incredible as they rely on donations to function.

The Washington D.C. Chapter of Black Lives Matter has always been great in terms of going above and beyond and serving those in need.? For this reason, Joel Bassam of Easterns decided to surprise Goggans with a check for $2,500 on camera to continue supporting the beautiful people of DC.? Easterns Automotive Group has been around for over 30 years and the hard-working men and women of the DMV have supported in every way.? It?s only right that those in need know that Easterns too is on their side.? There are many ways that one can get involved with the Black Lives Matter movement and it goes beyond just donating.? No action is too big or too small.? Please visit www.blacklivesmatterdmv.org to find out all the various ways that you can be a part of the movement. Tell a friend!


Easterns Automotive Group and WUSA 9 are always here to help. If you know someone in the DC, Maryland, and Virginia area that is worthy of being helped or recognized, please contact at?@ReeseWaters?on social media. #GetUpDC #GetUpGiveBack



YouTube ? https://youtu.be/c28pauyEzdE

Link to the original link ? https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/local/outreach/get-up-give-back/draft-do-not-publish-easterns-automotive-gives-2500-to-black-lives-matter-dc/65-0b5dedb8-8b01-4981-9a27-83649b77170c