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Road To A Better Community – Perfect Inc

Alyson McNair found that most programs were geared towards men even though the amount of women imprisoned has increased 700% since the ’80s. Women need programs that deal with the emotional, psychological and physical aspects of being incarcerated and how to handle that once they are released.

McNair created Perfect Inc, which focuses on helping formerly incarcerated women find jobs and repair relationships with family members. It started as an idea in 2010 and has now grown into a local non-profit that provides women with job training, coaching, mentorship, and help to transition back into the community.

Moved by the work Perfect Inc is doing to help women rebuild their lives, Joel Bassam from Easterns Automotive Group joined in, surprising them with $2,000! McNair floored and excited that others understand her mission enough to want to donate.

Perfect Inc has noticed an increase in jobs opening in Digital Marketing Management and will use this donation to develop courses to help women get jobs in this area.