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Giving A Lift: City Ranch

At Easterns Automotive Group, we believe in giving back to our community. That’s why we partnered with Fox 45 News on the “Giving A Lift” initiative, a program dedicated to supporting community groups and non-profits making a difference. One organization we’re proud to support is City Ranch.

City Ranch is a non-profit committed to making horseback riding accessible and affordable for Baltimore’s youth. Through their horsemanship programs, they help children develop self-confidence, responsibility, and pride. Whether through after-school programs, summer camps, Recreation & Parks offerings, or trail rides, City Ranch provides educational and engaging experiences for kids from all walks of life.

Ahesahmahk Dahn, the executive director of City Ranch, shared how the program began. “City Ranch came into existence while I was teaching elementary school in Baltimore City,” Dahn explained. “I taught fifth grade, and when they were getting ready to move to sixth grade, they would have a day off to do things, so I decided let’s do something really different.”

The first horseback riding experience was a hit, inspiring Dahn to expand the program and offer more Baltimore children the chance to ride and learn.

To recognize and support the incredible work of City Ranch, Fox45 surprised them with a $2200 check through our “Giving A Lift” initiative. This contribution will help City Ranch continue its mission of enriching the lives of Baltimore’s youth.

For more information about City Ranch and their impactful programs, visit the City Ranch website. We’re honored to support such a fantastic organization and look forward to seeing the positive impact they continue to make in our community.
