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Microchip shortage impact on used car industry
Last year’s pandemic has caused severe and enduring disruptions in the production of microchips. This global shortage of microchips has caused a significant slowdown in the automotive industry, forcing automakers to delay or halt the production of many cars.
good car salesman
Shopping for a car can be a dauting experience. Car salespeople have a reputation for being narrowly focused on sales and putting that priority over the car shopper’s best interest.
how to make sure your car is not a lemon
Purchasing a car can be a nerve-racking experience. If your budget is limited, or you want to avoid the rapid depreciation of a new vehicle, you might consider looking into used cars. One of the few potential downsides of purchasing a pre-owned vehicle is getting one that turns out to be unreliable and in need of expensive repairs – or a lemon.
GM Commitment to electric vehicles
Whether you’re running errands or commuting to work, you have probably noticed the increased presence of electric cars on the road. Despite the recent coronavirus pandemic, electric car sales have been on the rise. Just last year, global sales rose by 43%, which equates to more than three million electric cars sold in 2020.
Inspired by these neighbors coming together to help one another, we surprised each household with a $100 gift card to help with their holiday shopping on this Pay It Forward with Fox 5.
On this Helping Hands segment with 7 News, we wanted to help such a fantastic cause by donating $2,000 to support St. Stephens Baptist Church & Project Bright Future.
Ellie's Hats Helping Hands ABC 7.
Moved by the amazing work Ellie's Hats has put into help other pediatric patients we had a special surprise for them on this Helping Hands with ABC 7.
Helping Hands Operation Renewed Hope Foundation
On this Helping Hands segment with 7 News, we wanted to help such a fantastic cause by donating $2,000 to support those who have selflessly served this country.
In partnership with 7News, Easterns' latest Helping Hands surprise donation went to a nonprofit called Aaliyah in Action to assist mothers who have lost a child at birth.
Meet Sales Manager Michael Johnson! He has been with the Easterns team for seven years!