Easterns Automotive Group saw Sarah's Circle story as part of 7News On Your Side's #HelpingHands initiative last year, and they were moved by the organization's mission.
We partnered with ABC7's #HelpingHands to surprise Alyssa Gialamas, a Paralympian who has started the nonprofit, "AMG Fitness," which stands for "Adapt, Move and Gain," focused on helping those with disabilities with various workout programs.
As part of ABC7's Helping Hands Initiative, we supported Mended Little Hearts, a volunteer-led non-profit that helps families with children with congenital heart disease (CHD). When families face the challenges of the disease, the organization provides "Bravery Bags," food when they're in the hospital, and offers an overall network of support.
Curtis Pride took over Gallaudet University's vacant head baseball coaching job to help deaf and hard of hearing athletes pursue their dreams. We are honored that we could help Pride build a winning program.
We partnered with ABC7 in Helping Hands to help Little Lights. A non-profit who works closely with underserved children in DC by helping them read and with homework and to helping their families with other needs. Link to their website that explains all their wonderful efforts, littlelights.org
The Old Soldier's Home Foundation's mission is to create a more vibrant community for the Armed forces Retirement Home residents right here in the nation's capital. We had a special surprise for them on this segment of Road to a Better community with WUSA 9.
We partnered with ABC7 for our Helping Hands initiative to donate $2,000 dollars worth of socks to the Prince George's County Police Department's Annual Sock Drive.
Lorton Community Action Center saw a need in the face of the pandemic and wanted families to have a wonderful holiday season. They were committed to providing food, toys, and resources to those in the community who needed them the most. They worked tirelessly to gather donations to distribute, and we had a secret surprise on this Pay It forward with Fox 5.
In October, 82-year-old veteran, affectionately known as Mr. Eddie, lost his home of 40 years in a fire, forcing him to start over. On this Pay It Forward with Fox 5, we had a special surprise for him and his wife.
On this #HelpingHands with ABC 7 Santa's Helpers has been donating thousands of toys to Toys for Tots for Christmas and we wanted to contribute to their tireless efforts! Watch the full video to see the special surprise we had for Michelle and Mike Donnelly!