A poor credit score can make getting the financing you need for a car frustratingly difficult, as some dealerships turn shoppers away because of an arbitrary score without looking at their income or personal situation. At Easterns Automotive, we don’t believe that shoppers should feel forced to buy a low-quality vehicle because of their credit score.
The answer according to many drivers, including those who aren’t Jeep brand loyalists, is yes. When it comes to SUVs, the Jeep Patriot has certainly made its mark in the automotive landscape. Many people praise the Jeep Patriot for its rugged exterior and reputation for off-road capabilities.
Easterns has partnered with ABC 7 News to support STATDC and burn victim Dominic Walker's recovery journey. With a surprise #HelpingHand, we're positively impacting the community, ensuring no one goes hungry during challenging times. 💙
We were proud to support Uncut Youth, an organization dedicated to empowering teenage girls needing prom dresses in the DMV area. With a special surprise on this Helping Hands, we’re honored to contribute to their impactful mission.
On this Helping Hands with 7 News, we had the privilege of surprising Equality No Va, an organization committed to improving the needs of LGBTQ+ community and allies.
In honor of Pride Month, we joined forces with 7News Helping Hand to surprise Safe Space NOVA with a $2,200 donation! We're thrilled to support their mission of providing a safe haven for LGBTQ+ youth. Together, let's spread love, acceptance, and inclusivity. Happy Pride Month!
Easterns Automotive Group joined forces with WUSA9 to surprise Girls on the Run, a nonprofit that empowers young girls through physical activity and leadership development.
Supporting our community is at the heart of what we do. The Humane Rescue Alliance has seen a rise in intakes without enough adoptions to match. As part of our ongoing commitment to giving back, we're thrilled to cover animal adoption costs at the Humane Rescue Alliance.
Dallas Disbro founded Wheel 2 Win, an annual wheelchair basketball tournament benefiting The United Spinal Association of Washington, DC, after a life-altering accident. We had a special surprise for him on this Helping Hands with 7 News.
Exotic cars garner attention for their luxury appeal and unique blend of performance and horsepower. To the untrained eye, they may seem frivolous, but car enthusiasts, racers and collectors alike all know exotic cars will always have their place in the automotive industry.