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Get Up Give Back – Community Forklift

Community Forklift is a nonprofit that gathers unwanted items and restores building materials for those in need and their marketplace. The COO/CEO, Nancy Meyer, joined Allison Seymour to share some of their incredible work.

With their program, the Home Essentials, they give free home appliances and building goods to those in need. Some of their favorite projects include a laundry room they created for William Wirt Middle school and the blessing box, which is a large pantry filled with food for those in need. They also partnered with national nonprofit Uniting Us, a group of veterans who uses art for healing. A lot of the materials used to create art with Uniting Us come from community Fork Lift.

We love that Community Forklift is repurposing salvage items to give to those in need. As a part of Get Up give Back partnered with WUSA 9 We are excited to donate $1,000 to this fantastic cause. This donation will help Community Forklift reduce disposal costs, keep items out of landfills, and support others in need.

Easterns Automotive Group and WUSA 9 are always here to help. If you know someone in the DC, Maryland, and Virginia area that is worthy of being helped or recognized, please contact at @ReeseWaters on social media. #GetUpDC #GetUpGiveBack